
Here we go!

My empty blog has been haunting me for weeks, but I have been busy compiling lessons and pictures to post. Here are a couple projects from the last month:

My students in Grades 3-7 each get a small, hardcover sketchbook at the beginning of term. I've found that if we take a class to design a really neat front cover that they're proud of, they take better care of the book and it will be most likely (fingers crossed) make it through the 10 week term. Here, I had my Grade 4 students draw ART in stick letters, colour on their fingers with washable markers, and then fingerprint the letters. Then they created little creatures out of the prints with a fineliner. They loved making these and no one in that class has lost their sketchbook---yet.

Grade 3s-Complementary Colours

I started off the Grade 3s this year with a review of complementary colours. They created a panel of three small pictures with oil pastels on black construction paper of fall leaves, flowers etc. with oil pastels. Each panel had to contain a set of complementary colours. These made for a bold bulletin-board display!

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